3 Things a Creative Artist Can Learn to Improve Creative Life

Learning should be a lifelong activity whether you are a writer, filmmaker, comedian, photographer or visual artist.

Ladipo Titiloye
4 min readJul 26, 2023

Learn other things even if they have nothing to do with your creative business. It should not be about improving your craft alone.

Learning new things improves your life, helps you discover new ideas you can put into your creative work, and could be fun.

And if you commit about 20 hours, you can learn a new skill and start practising it. So, what’s stopping you from boosting your creative life?

Here are 3 creative things you can learn:

Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating and publishing free quality content (videos, blogs, social media posts) to attract prospects and turn them into paying customers.

Yes, content marketing is popular, you’ve probably heard of it and already doing it. But are you doing it well?

Do you have a blog or website for your creative business? Do you plan your social media content?

Let’s assume you have some level of success with content marketing. Are you willing to learn and try new ideas about content marketing?

And if you are not good with content marketing, it’s time to learn. Here is a list of free classes on content marketing.

Pick from any of these courses for you to become an efficient content marketer or at least gain an understanding of the topic.


Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

I have been promising myself that I will learn more about coding for two reasons:

· It will boost my web designing skills

· It might be a ‘big deal’ in the future.

When I wanted a self-hosted blog in 2012, I spoke with different web designers but their price was more than I could afford, so I built it myself after I read somewhere that it was not difficult.

But it had a steep learning curve. I made many mistakes as I attempted to build a replica of a website I loved. If only I knew how to code, it would have been easy.

I have since built other websites without knowing how to code, but I would still like to know how to do it. Who knows when it might be useful?

But the main reason I tell people to learn to code is because of its importance in the future. I am not talking 30 or 40 years from now, but something closer.

Right now, coding is an interest of the younger generations. Millennials and older generations aren’t serious about it. Just a few see the opportunity, and it shouldn’t be.

Millennials took a keen interest in learning to use the internet in the early 2000s while the older generation didn’t.

Back then, the internet was the dominant trend, and parents paid a lot of money to figure it out.

Some millennials even lied to their parents and collected as much as ₦10, 000 naira (equal to $100 then) to open a Yahoo mail account for their parents.

I wonder if our kids, who are more interested in coding, won’t do worse to us.

Interested in learning? Check this list of places online to learn how to code.

Learn another Art

The beauty in learning another art is how it helps you appreciate art. It could also help you during those periods when you have some sort of creative block.

Whenever I can’t write well, I stop writing and take photographs of mundane things in my house to clear my head.

Here are some other creative arts you could learn and practice:

· Photography (I recommend this, you can use your smartphone)

· Scrapbooking

· Crocheting /Knitting

· Drawing and Painting

· Graphic Designs (Canva makes it easy and fun)

For more ideas on other art or technology to learn, do a quick search on Google.


Learning new things improves your life and health and your brain is happy because it gets to do new things. Content marketing is a great idea because it will help your creative business.

Coding is a trending subject, so it pays to have an idea about it, or you could learn a new art. The choice is yours.

Have fun learning something new and if you master it, you can create a business out of it.

Whatever you decide, keep creating, use technology to improve your work, and earn money. It’s the key to staying active and growing as a creative artist.

